
Claims Visioning

How might we empower members, through digital self-serve, to fully understand their claims and resolve their own issues? Member insights and pain points were gathered through research, review of metrics, competitor analysis, customer feedback, MyHumana app reviews, and stakeholder interviews.

The following opportunities emerged: use consistent plain language for all claims across all channels (remove the ‘insurance speak’); allow members to submit and track a claim online for faster and easier claims processing; and allow members to opt into claims status notifications.

Through concept generation/ideation and testing, we can deliver more desirable experiences for members which will lead to an increase in member satisfaction and confidence, improve retention, drive digital usage, and reduce call volume to customer service leading to reduced operating costs. Claims Visioning (pdf)

Claims Visioning)
Claims Visioning
Claims Visioning
Claims Visioning
Claims Visioning
Claims Visioning
Claims Visioning